Friday, December 17, 2021

Murder by Process

It was a great company to work for. The folks were all so nice, the training program was robust, and the work was interesting. It was a family-run business that really felt like family. After a rough 5 years with a big consultancy, it felt like a safe place to land. It was the kind of company that held its own annual chili cook-off, gave every employee a gym membership, where the CEO regularly invited programmers and testers and admins and agents to lunch and listened to them, and you actually looked forward to the monthly all-hands meeting.

The project management team was a good team with a decent manager. We liked each other, helped each other out, and had lots of conversations about doing things better. We were earnest and eager young professionals, most of us holding the title “project manager” for the first time.

We decided that we needed to develop some standard processes and all use the same project management tools to make it easier to track the status of all our work across the different software products we produced and supported. We were in the mode of doing small waterfall/iterative projects, each of us often managing several projects at one time. We settled on Microsoft Project and then turned to standardizing our PM processes and plans.

All of this was reasonably useful, by the way. I enjoyed the vigorous discussions we had and felt that we made solid choices. There were some compromises made but overall, for the types of projects we mostly did, none of it felt too heavy. 

The only problem was that I quickly became the contrarian. I didn’t set out to be, but you know how it goes. I was working with the web team almost exclusively. I started out with a small site design for a subsidiary company. The creative component of web design appealed to me. I liked the team I was working with. My product manager was the wife of an astronaut and given to wildly personal confidences over the salads at lunch. The business analyst was a working musician with a voice like an angel. The webmaster was a fidgety and flirtatious drummer who was a bit of a genius at graphic design. The dev manager was a bass player known for always ordering the largest and most expensive item on the menu whenever we had a team lunch. The QA manager was a handsome Italian-American-Mormon with some weird hang-ups. Over the course of multiple projects, we evolved into a tightly knit, scrappy little family.

For a big internet project like redesigning a site or adding major functionality, the established project processes worked just fine. We had natural and distinct design/code/test/launch cycles of the work. Breaking a big project into multiple releases still worked within the methodology. But our leadership decided that every website task we did had to fall within a project and be managed as such. Adding a link, refreshing some content, building one or two new pages, or other small site-maintenance tasks just didn’t fit into that framework. At that time, self-publishing tools such as marketing teams use everywhere now just didn’t exist, so all website changes went through IT. I found myself wedged into a corner called “do what you’re told and make everyone miserable or do it the right way and get yer ass fired.” Not a fun place to be.

“I need an alternative to our PM process for this type of work,” I told my manager. “My stakeholders are frustrated because things take too long.”

“You’ll just have to bundle all of their requests into a project,” she told me.

“But that will delay our response for possibly weeks,” I retorted. “And there’s no value in grouping tasks together into projects if they really aren’t a project. There’s no relationship between them, so there’s no synergy in projectizing them.” (Consultant-speak oozing out of every pore. I don’t deny it.)

“That’s the way we do things,” she said. “They’re going to have to get used to it.”

Dear reader, they didn’t get used to it. The marketing department loved our work but they hated our processes so much they hired their own webmaster and cut us out of the loop completely. Turns out, about the time I was fighting this battle, something called Agile was crawling out of the swamp. Maybe it would have saved me. Maybe not. More on that later.