Saturday, September 28, 2019

We don't need another hero

I’m so frustrated by friends who are idolizing Greta Thunberg. They’re creating memes and talking about how she gives them hope and how cute she is. They say that the young people are going to save us.

If I keep gnashing my teeth like this, I’m going to need implants.

This is the same Greta who said “Yet you all come to us young people for hope. How dare you.”

This is the same Greta who said “Don’t listen to me. Listen to the scientists.”

This is the same Greta who said "You aren't trying hard enough."

I see this over and again among my friends. They want a hero. They idolize Molly Ivins. They brag about that time they hung out with Ann Richards. They post bodice-ripping selfies with Beto. They say "We need another Barbara Jordan; no one can equal her." 

But just tell them “we need volunteers for an event this weekend,” or “can you donate $5 to help refugees?” or “will you commit to reducing your fuel consumption?” and listen to the crickets.

Venerating others as heroes is cowardly and lazy. We're not supposed to put people on pedestals. We're supposed to take them as role models and extend their work into the world. We’re supposed to take their words as inspiration for our perspiration. 

Remember, Jesus never said “meme me.” He never said "post selfies with me and gain the kingdom of heaven." He said “get off your ass and do the work.” But nobody remembers that either. They'd rather write songs about him and pray to him for salvation.

But you have to save yourself. There is no other way. There never was and never will be.